the e-business (r)evolution - living and working in an interconnected world, written by daniel amor

Internet Glossary - S

Find below all entries for the letter S. If you want to add a new word or add content to an existing word, please go to the glossary submission.

Search Engine
Web service that allows you to query a database for keywords and returns matching web pages.
Secure Sockets Layer
Protocol invented by Netscape to encrypt communication between web browser and server. It provides privacy, authentication and integrity.
A device that provides one or more services to several clients over a network. See also client, network.
A Java application that runs on a server. The term usually refers to a Java applet that runs within a Web server environment. This is analogous to a Java applet that runs within a Web browser environment.
Shopping Cart
It keeps track of all the items that a customer wants to buy, allowing the shopper to pay for the whole order at once.
Simple Mail Transport Protocol
The protocol to send electronic mail over the Internet. See also e-mail.
Simple Network Management Protocol
Protocol to manage and monitor devices connected to a network.
Smart Card
Plastic card of credit card size with an embedded microchip. The chip can contain digital money and personal information about the owner.
See switched multimegabit data service.
See emoticon.
See simple mail transport protocol.
See simple network management protocol.
Inappropriate use of e-mail and postings by sending information and advertising to people who did not request them.
See web crawler.
See structured query language.
Stop Words
Conjunctions, prepositions, articles and other words, which appear often in documents yet alone may contain little meaning.
Structured Query Language
The preferred programming language for communication with databases.
See secure sockets layer.
Switched Multimegabit Data Service
A proposed new standard for very high-speed data transfer.
See system operator.
System Operator
Person who is responsible for the operations of a computer system or network resource.

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