Daniel Amor
  • Book Cover
  • E-Business (R)Evolution, 1st Ed
  • Summary
  • Title: E-Business (R)Evolution, 1st Ed
    Author: Daniel Amor
    Publisher: Prentice Hall, New York, 1999
    ISBN: 013085123X
    Pages: 650
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  • Daniel Amor spoke at the Search Engine Optimisation conference of the Ark Group about "Delivering targeted content to multilingual users".
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Subject Index

The Subject Index contains a short-cut to all topics, technologies, people, web sites and concepts in the book.

1-For-1, 166
123gambling.com, 29
123get.com, 203
3W Art, 500
4B, 499

ABCNews, 218
AccessData, 373
ACMEcity, 121
Acses, 213, 215, 582
Activeworlds.com, 284, 473
Address Verification Service, 486
Adleman, Leonard, 367
Adobe, 96, 313
Adobe Acrobat, 345, 457
Agfa, 250
AICC, 291
AIFF, 98
AIM, see AOL Instant Messenger
AIT GmbH, 585
Allaire, 177, 237, 326
AlphaWorks, 437, 449
Altavista, 115, 205, 206, 216
Altavista Technologies, 115
Amaya, 303
Amazon.com, 12, 15, 21, 26, 114, 151, 156, 176, 218, 225, 226, 244, 247, 284, 473, 549, 569
Amazon.de, 114, 156
Amiga, 74, 282, 300, 305
Aminet, 202
Anonymizer, 379
Anonymous Remailer, 378
ANSI, 90
Anthrotech, 166
AntiOnline, 394
Antonacopoulos, Apostolos, 210
AOL, 215
AOL Instant Messenger, 280, 531
Apache, 78, 92, 455, 524, 526
APNic, 159
Apple, 9, 177, 250, 300, 309, 346, 417, 458, 543
Application Server Zone, 325
Arachne, 304
Archie, 3, 202
Arianna, 200
Ariba, 263, 344, 439
Arktis, 497
Arlt, 500
ARPANet, 6, 66
Artomatic.com, 144
Asychronous Transfer Mode, 73
AT&T, 475
AT&T Bell Labs, 444
Atari 800, 74
Atari ST, 74
ATM, see Asychronous Transfer Mode
ATM Forum, 74
ATM Networks, 272
Auction Watchers, 215
AutoByTel, 19
Autonomy, 206
Avenida Web Server, 325
AWT, 424

B2B, see Business-To-Business
Baan, 107, 343
Babelfish, 157
Baltimore Technologies, 125, 397
Bank of America, 495
Bank One, 495
Banner-Mania, 166
BAPI, 343
Bare Bones Software, 202
Bargain Finders, 215
Barnes & Noble, 15, 114, 244
Basic, 450
BBC, 150
BEA Systems, 325
Beans Industry, 237
BeansExtender, 434
Beatnik, 98
BellSouth, 575
BelSign, 397
Benetton, 28
BeOS, 77, 417
Berners-Lee, Tim, 311
Beyond.com, 284, 473
Biel Mean Time, 5
Big Brother Inside, 130
Bills.com, 500
Billserv.com, 500
Biometric Identification, 401
BitNet, 3
BizTalk, 344
Blind Signature, 507
BMW, 254, 584, 588
Bobby, 140
Bobo, 537
Boeing, 344
Boot Sector Virus, 381
Borg, xxviii, 563
Bowie, David, 98
BPR, see Business Process Reengineering
Bristol Technology, 450
British Airways, 581
Broadcaster, 200
BroadVision, 13, 177, 238
Brokat, 125
BrowserWatch, 296
BT Squared Technologies, 256
BTG, 403
Buecher.de, 161
Bugtraq, 182
Business Process Reengineering, 47
Business-To-Business, 9
BusinessWare, 111
Buy.com, 229

C, 90
C++, 90, 237, 322, 324, 444, 450
C2Net, 125, 539
Ca5ino, 158
Cabela's, 486
CAD, 254
CAFÉ, 514
Caldera, 529, 539, 540
Call Center, 5, 14, 17, 107, 109, 277, 278
Canon, 19, 561
Capital Radio, 576
Cappuccino, 237
Captura, 568
Cardware, 522
Cascading Style Sheets, 97, 317, 333, 334
CasinoPlace, 29, 158, 296
CDE, 533
CDNow, 220
CeBit, 281
CERN, 311
CertCo, 517
CGI, see Common Gateway Interface
Chai, 445, 554
ChaiServer, 554, 555
ChaiVM, 554
Champy, James, 47
Channelware, 253
Charles Schwab, 434
CheckFree, 240, 502
CheckPoint, 83
Christian Banner Exchange, 166
CIF, 279
Cincom, 256
Cisco, 556, 560
ClearCommerce, 235, 485
Clever.net, 614
Cli-Mate, 306
ClickThrough, 166
CNN, 150, 166
Coign, 563
Cold Fusion, 177, 237, 326, 537
COM, 324
Comdex, 281
Come.to, 160
Commerce Direct International, 251
Commerce for the Millenium, 242
Commerce One, 264
Commerce.Net, 344
CommerceNet Consortium, 377
Commodore 64, 74
Common Gateway Interface, 320
Common Hardware Reference Platform, 542
Common Interchange Format, 279
Compaq, 115
Complain.com, 134
Complaintous.com, 134
Components.com, 435
CompuServe, 92, 120, 215, 454
Computer Associates, 82, 88
Conference, 273
Connectix, 279
ConSors, 218
Continuum, 563
CoolFM, 576
Copernic 98, 376
CORBA, 324, 560, 564, 567
Corel, 97, 251, 529, 540
Corel Draw, 529
CosmoPlayer, 346, 458
CPFR, 20
Crawler, 196
Cryp.to, 160
CSS, see Cascading Style Sheets
CU-SeeMe, 280
CyberCash, 240, 493
CyberCoins, 508
CyberSource, 236
Cygnus Software, 539

Data Warehousing, 99
Database Management System, 87
Datafellows Company, 386
DB/2, 88
DBMS, see Database Management System
DejaNews, 171, 203, 286
Dell, 17, 42, 254
Denial of Service, 198, 357, 481
Deutsch, Waverly, 45
Deutsche Bank, 506
Deutsche Bundesbahn, 133
Deutsche Bundespost, 486, 500
Deutsche Provider Network, 277, 282
DHBrown Associates, 75
DHCP, 78
DHL, 62
DHTML, 97, 319
Diamond Multimedia, 249
Diffie, Whitfield, 367
DigDirt, 204
DigiCash, 506
Digital Corporation, 115
Digital Creations, 537
Digital Delivery, 253
Digital Imaging Group, 250, 463
Digital Neighbourhoods, 217
Digital River, 253
Digital Signal Processor, 275
Digital Signatures, 127
Director, 97, 340
Directories, 196
Discolandia, 9
Discos Castello, 499
Disney, 155
Distant Learning, 4
DNS, 69, 70, 78, 359, 363, 539
Documentum, 96
DOM, 317, 333
DoS, see Denial of Service
DPunkt, 512
Dr. Solomons, 386
DreamWeaver, 95
DSP, see Digital Signal Processor
DSSSL, 334
Dun & Bradstreet, 36
Dynamic HTML, 97

E-Auctioning, 24
E-Banking, 25
E-Brokering, 32
E-Cash Shops, 506
E-Commerce, 26
E-Directories, 27
E-Engineering, 27
E-Franchising, 28
E-Gambling, 28
E-Lancers, 571
E-Learning, 29
E-Mail Agents, 212
E-Mailing, 30
E-Marketing, 30
E-Operational Resources Management, 30
E-Services, xxvi, xxvii, 218, 237, 421, 568, 584
E-Smarts, 215
E-Speak, xxvi
E-Supply, 31
E-Trading, 32
eBay, 11, 25, 142, 548, 585
EBNF, 333
ECheck, 496
eCircle, 286
ECMA, 348
ECMAScript, 352
Economist, The, 155, 246
EDI, see Electronic Data Interchange
Edify, 177, 278, 502
EDT, see Electronic Disturbance Theatre
EFF, 366, see Electronic Frontier Foundation
EIS, see Enterprise Information System
Electrical Fire, 418
Electronic Data Interchange, 7, 104, 494
Electronic Disturbance Theatre, 394
Electronic Frontier Foundation, 377
Electronic Service Broker, 567
Electronic Software Distribution, 248
Elm, 79
ElMedia, 241
Embedded Devices, 420, 446, 554
Emoticons, 185
Emporium, 238
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 164
eNetwork Firewall, 84
Enterprise Application Server, 327
Enterprise Information System, 104
Enterprise Resource Planning, 103
Epson, 19
EPSS, 291
ERP, see Enterprise Resource Planning
ESD, see Electronic Software Distribution
Eternity Service, 395
Eudora, 78, 79
Euros, 19
EuroSearch, 207
EuroSeek, 141
eXcelon, 327
Excite, 80, 216, 218, 495
Executable Virus, 381
Exhibit Gallery, 19
Exodus, 472
Extended Backus Naur Form, 333
Extranet, 361
Extricity, 111

F1-CPU, 543
False Authority Syndrome, 379
FAQ, 142, 269, 613
Fat Face, 461
FBI, 394
FDDI, 68
Federal Express, 61
Ferrari, 195, 584
Fidonet, 3
Fight Back, 134
Fiji-Online, 216
Filez.com, 202
Firefly, 176
Firepond, 256
Firewall 1, 83
FirmWorks, 536
First Union Bank, 512
First Virtual, 240, 493
Flaming Ford, 130
Flash, 97
FlashPix, 139, 458
Florists Transworld Delivery, 217, 499
Flug.de, 41
FlyCast, 167
Food & Drug Administration, 133
Food.com, 42
Ford, 130
Forrester Research, 45, 249
FoundationTools, 450
FoundationWare, 450
Four11, 203
France98.com, 233
Free PC, 246
Free Software Foundation, 523, 525
Free World Dialup, 277
FreeBSD, 75, 77, 83, 533
FreeStone, 83
Freeware, 522
Friedman Corporation, 257
FSF, see Free Software Foundation
FTP, 68
FusionOne, 552

G-Shock, 347
Gallery-Net, 98, 220, 283, 296, 462
Gedys, 257
GeldKarte, 510
GemPlus, 18, 400
GemStone, 90
GeoCities, 223
Giftware, 522
Global Trust Enterprise, 517
GLOBEtrotter, 253
GMX, 217
Go Network, 219
Go.to, 160
GOD, 216
Gopher, 3
Gravis, 220
GroupLens, 177
GTE, 371
Guinness Book of Records, xxv, 233
Gupta, Vivek R., 99

H.323 Standard, 275
Hammer, Michael, 47
Hardware Abstraction Layer, 543
Harley Davidson, 194
Hasbro, 116
Hayek, Nicolas, 5
HBCI, 505
Heise, 295
Heise.de, 296
Hellman, Martin, 367
Helsinki Telephone, 568
Hewlett-Packard, xxvii, 7, 19, 79, 109, 118, 131, 218, 233, 237, 250, 254, 282, 309, 313, 343, 364, 412--414, 417, 439, 445, 446, 450, 462, 501, 540, 548, 550, 554, 560, 565, 568, 571, 578
Hill, Charles, 155
Hitachi, 229
HitBox, 295
HotBot, 118
HotDog, 94
HotJava, 304
HotSpot, 438
HotWired, 313
HP Press, 112
HP-UX, 76, 233, 298, 412, 418, 439, 450, 534
HTML, 97, 310, 336
HTTP, 68
HTTP2, 194
Hyperarchical Company, 46
Hyperarchical System, 48
HyperText Markup Language, 310
Hypovereinsbank, 517

i-Cat, 240
I.am, 160
I/Pro, 171
IBM, xxvii, xxxii, 7, 9, 82, 84, 88, 111, 239, 250, 282, 313, 322, 330, 343, 344, 386, 417, 434, 437, 439, 444, 449, 450, 501, 532, 550, 561
IBM Micro Payment, 508
iBrowse, 305
iCab, 305
ICQ, 280, 531
IESG, 67
IETF, 67
IGMP, see Internet Group Management Protocol
IIP, see Internet Imaging Protocol
Image Server, 462
IndiaConnect, 166
IndustryNet, 42
Inferno, 421, 554, 556, 562
InfernoSpaces, 562
Infobank, 264
InfoBus, 437, 564
InfoNout, 306
Infopark, 96
Information Policy, 355
Informix Software, 88
Infoseek, 202, 206
Infospace, 203
Infotel.bg, 388
Inprise, 327
Instant Messaging, 531
Integrated Payment Solutions, 501
Integrated Transaction Service, 328
Intel, 32, 128, 445, 557
Intelligent Agents, 90
Inter800.com, 278
Interbase, 88
InterMail, 79
International Herald Tribune, 39
International Telecommunications Union, 74, 275
Internet 2, 5, 73, 579
Internet Business Magazine, 499
Internet Explorer, 298
Internet Factory, 240
Internet Group Management Protocol, 68
Internet Imaging Protocol, 458
Internet Phone, 275
Internet Protocol Suite, 66, 67
Internet Society, 67
Internet Solutions, 612
Internet Sync, 553
Internet Telephony, 272
Internet Telephony Service Providers, 277
Internet University, 291
InterNic, 159
Intershop, 236, 240
InterTrust, 253
InTrade, 264
IPS, see Internet Protocol Suite
IPSec, 84
IPv4, 71
IPv6, 273
IRC, 3, 280, 531
ircII, 281
Ircle, 281
Ireland Online, 216
ISO 10646, 315
ISOC, see Internet Society
ITS, see Integrated Transaction Service
ITSP, see Internet Telephony Service Providers
ITU, see International Telecommunications Union
ITXC, 277

J Consortium, 446
Jabber, 531
Jaguar CTS, 327
Jango, 214, 215
Japhar, 418
JASC, 96
Java, 90, 237, 320, 322, 324, 344, 450, 554, 556
Java Environment Tuning Center, 439
Java Transaction Service, 328
JavaScript, 97, 320, 321, 347, 352, 484
JavaServer Pages, 323
JetSend, 560
Jikes, 418, 532
Jini, xxix, 428, 550, 554, 558
JPEG, 98, 121

JScript, 350, 352
JSP, see JavaServer Pages
JTS, see Java Transaction Service
Junker, 258
Jupiter Communications, 146
Just In Time, 49

Kaffe, 418
KDE, 352, 533
Kellogg's, 155
Kessler-Design, 523
Kimble.org, 93
KLM, 39
Knuth, Donald E., 530
Kodak, 250
Kumite.com, 388

LAN, see Local Area Network
LaTeX, 75, 530
LaTeX 3, 531
LDAP, 364
Lenin, 472
Levi Strauss, 38, 163
Lewinsky, Monica, 34
Libri, 41
Limbo, 556
Linux, 74, 75, 77, 92, 233, 300, 455, 524, 526, 528, 533, 541, 546, 556
Liquid Audio, 250
Live Picture, 462
LiveAssistance, 109
LiveCommerce, 241
LiveScript, 421
Living Systems, 585
Local Area Network, 561
Lotus, 328, 437
Lotus Domino Application Server, 328
Lotus eSuite, 437
Lotus Notes, 79
Lucent Technologies, 550, 554, 556, 571, 575
Lufthansa, 158, 581
Lufthansa Cargo, 119, 233, 494
Lycos, 203
Lynx, 300

MacOS, 298, 417
MacOS X, 75, 77
Macro Virus, 382
MacroMedia, 97, 340, 347
Mailware, 522
Maintenance, Repair and Operating, 31
Mark Twain Bank, 506
Market Site, 263
MasterCard, 490, 491
MasterMerchant, 501
MatchLogic, 171
Material Requirement Planning, 103
MausNet, 3
McAfee Associates, 251, 386
McDonalds, 28
MCIS, 79
MediaTechBooks, xxxii, 16, 157, 183, 296
Medosch, Armin, 295
MegaCar, 73, 576
Megazine, 9
Mellon Technologies, 472
Merced, 543
Meta Search Engines, 196
MetaCreations, 97
MetaProducts, 306
MFC, see Microsoft Foundation Classes
Michelangelo, 380
MICOM, 277
Microsoft, 32, 79, 88, 130, 241, 274, 296, 344, 352, 447, 550, 554, 557
Microsoft Exchange, 79
Microsoft Foundation Classes, 450
MIDI, 98
MilliCent, 508
Mind-It, 135
Mining Company, 389
Minivend, 349
Minix, 528
Minolta, 561
mIRC, 281, 523
MIT, 367
MKLinux, 417
MOE, see MyOwnEmail
Mondex, 509
Motorola, 345
Mozilla, 92, 148, 183, 298, 371, 455, 532, 534
MP3, 23, 98, 99, 121, 202, 249, 250, 575
Mp3.com, 249
MPEG, 346, 463
MQ Series, 111
MRO, see Maintenance, Repair and Operating
MRP, see Material Requirement Planning
MTV, 116
MultiSubmit, 162
My-World, 21
MyOwnEmail, 80, 223
MySimon, 215
Myth.com, 144

NAP, see Network Access Points
NASA, 342, 465
NAT, see Network Address Translation
Net Robots, 196
Net.Commerce, 239
Net.Data, 322
Net2Phone, 278
NetBanx, 499
NetBSD, 75, 533
NetCash, 507
NetCenter, 221
NetCheque, 495
NetCraft, 197
Netgraphica, 462
Netiquette, 182, 282
NetMeeting, 274
NetObjects Fusion, 94, 615
NetPerceptions, 177
Netscape, 78, 79, 216, 273, 297, 313, 348, 352, 421, 540
Netscape Application Server, 328, 537
Netscape CommerceXpert, 265
Netscape Messenger, 79
NetSell, 241
Network Access Points, 190
Network Address Translation, 71
Network Agents, 211
Network University, 4
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 534
New Economy, xxvii, 21, 23, 33, 34, 42, 43, 45, 90, 174, 244, 247, 285, 588
NewHoo, 529
NewMonics, 446
News Agents, 212
News.com, 148
Nn, 3
Nokia, 146, 246, 549
Northern Telecom, 574
Norton Antivirus, 386
Novell, 79, 344
NPS, 96
NUMA, 76, 543
Nymserver, 379
NZZ, 534

O'Reilly and Associates, 548
Oasis, 344
OBI, 265, 516
Object Design, 327
Objectivity, 90
Odwalla, 132
Offline Browsers, 306
Oki Electric, 575
OLAP, see Online Analytical Processing
Omega Project, 531
Online Analytical Processing, 90
Open Applications Group, 338
Open Buying over the Internet, 265
Open Design Circuits, 544
Open Directory, 529, 615
Open Hardware, 541, 546
Open Hardware Certification Program, 546
Open Hardware Specification Project, 546
Open Market, 240, 241
Open Service, 569
Open Source, xxxi, 310, 523, 526, 541
Open Trading Protocol, 515
OpenIngres, 88
OpenMail, 79
OpenMail Anywhere, 80
OpenPGP, 536
OpenPix ImageIgniter, 145, 462
OpenSSL, 536
OpenView, xxv, 82, 414
Opera Software, 299
Operational Resources Management, 31
Oracle, 77, 88, 107, 263, 343, 344
Oracle Server, 88, 439
Organic Online, 539
ORM, see Operational Resources Management
Orwell, George, 578
OS/390, 450

P3P, see Platform for Privacy Preference Project
Paint Shop Pro, 96
Palm V, 229
Panasonic, 561
Panavision, 116
Pandesic, 237
Paperball, 213
Paperboy, 213
Pascal, 90, 450
Passive Optical Network, 575
PathFinder, 313
Pathfinder, 465
PayNow, 496
PC Order, 258
Peacock, 282
PeopleSoft, 107, 263, 343
Perl, 237, 320--322, 525, 526, 615
Personal Java, 556
Pervasive Computing, 549, 616
PGP, see Pretty Good Privacy
Phase 5, 221
Philips, 195, 556
Picasso, Pablo, 245
PICS, 299, 377
Pine, 79
PKI, see Public Key Infrastructure
Planware, 257
Platform for Privacy Preference Project, 377
Platinum, 346, 347, 458
Plug-ins, 455
Plum Hall, 446
PNG, see Portable Network Graphics
PON, see Passive Optical Network
Portable Network Graphics, 454
Portal, 214
PowerDisc, 461
PowerDynamo, 327
PowerPics, 461
PPP, 78
Praesidium Firewall, 84
Prentice Hall, 112
Pretty Good Privacy, 122, 368, 372
Principia, 537
Project Gutenberg, 527
Psion, 146
Public Domain, 522
Public Key Infrastructure, 127
Pulver, Jeff, 277
PureTec, 502, 613
Python, 320, 321

QoS, see Quality of Service
Quality Feedback Agent, 298
Quality of Service, 231, 272
Quantum, 560
Quelle, 9, 28, 230
Quicken, 26
QuickMarket, 585
Quicknet Technologies, 275
QuickTime, 250, 346, 458, 463
QXL, 25

Radio Deejay, 576
RDF, 341
Real Networks, 145, 250, 458
Real-Time Applications, 271
RealNames, 161
RealPlayer, 99, 150, 250, 458
Reciprocal, 253
Red Hat, 529, 539
Reebok, 467
Refer-it.com, 151
Referate Online, 500
Release Software, 253
Remedy, 109
Reorganization, 48
Resource Reservation Protocol, 274
Reuters, 313
REXX, 322
RFC, 67, 524
Ricardo, 25
RichWin, 155
Rio Player, 24
Ripe.net, 159, 612
Rivest, Ron, 367
Rolls Royce, 584
Romanov, Nicolaj, 462
Rosenberger, Rob, 379
RosettaNet, 344
Roxen, 78
RSA, 367
RSVP, see Resource Reservation Protocol
RTL News, 150

Saba Software, 290
SameDay, 494
SAP, 77, 107, 263, 343, 344, 494
Sausage Software, 94
SDMI, see Secure Digital Music Initiative
Sease.com, 217
Secure Digital Music Initiative, 250
Security First Network Bank, 17
Security through Obscurity, 361
Seiko, 466
Sendmail, 79
Server Side Includes, 322
SET, 228, 240, 490
SetCo, 490, 501
SGI, 546
Shamir, Adi, 367
Shareware, 252, 523
Shareware.com, 202
Shockwave, 347
ShopNow.com, 229
Shopper.com, 215
Shopping Agents, 213
Siemens, 342, 471, 561
Signaturgesetz, 127
SignPost, 162
SilverStream, 329, 537
Simon Wiesenthal Center, 114
Simple Networking Management Protocol, 83
Skoda, 472
Smart Cards, 18, 171, 227, 240, 358, 362, 397, 399, 401, 487, 492, 502, 509-512
Smart Contact, 109
SmartBots.com, 214
SMIL, 340
Smilies Unlimited, 185
SMP, see Symmetric Multiprocessing
SMTP, 68
Snap, 171
SNMP, see Simple Networking Management Protocol
Social Engineering, 359
Software.com, 79
Softwinter, 125
Solaris, 76, 298, 450
Solstice AdminSuite, 414
Sony, 473
Sound Software, 98
SourceXChange, 547
Spidersoft, 306
Spiegel, Der, 118, 133, 296
SQL Server, 88
SSI, see Server Side Includes
SSL, 228, 240, 490
St. George Bank, 506
Stallman, Richard, 523
Stanford University, 367
Star Office, 110, 529, 552
Star Trek, xxviii, 120, 551, 559, 563
Star Wars, 250, 346
Starr Report, 34
Stroustrop, Bjarne, 444
Submit-It, 205
Sun, 131, 304, 313, 344, 348, 414, 417, 428, 437--439, 447, 450, 546, 550, 554, 556, 558, 561
Sun SIMS, 79
Supernews, 286
Suse, 529
Swatch, 5
Swatch Beat, 5
Swatch Group, The, 5
SWIFT-Network, 478
Swiss Air, 133
Sybase, 88, 327
Sybase SQL Server, 88
Symantec, 248, 434, 439
Symmetric Multiprocessing, 77

T Spaces, xxvii, 561
T-Online, 216
Talk, 3
Taxware, 236
Team 17, 200
TeleAuskunft, 203
Telepolis, 295
TeX, 530
Thawte, 397
The Informant, 135
The List, 189
Thunderbyte, 386
Ticketmaster, 118
TISS, 41
Titanic, 500
Tivoli, 82
Torvalds, Linus, 526, 528
Trans-O-Flex, 18
TransNexus, 277
Travel Overland, 41, 500, 504
Tributary, 450
Trilogy, 258
TrueSpectra, 462
TrustCenter, 371, 397
TRUSTe, 376
Trusted Solaris, 414
Tucows, 198, 210, 216
Tupperware, 16
TurboJ, 438

UDP, 68
ultracrepidarian, 379
UMEC, 557
Unicenter TNG, 82
Unicode, 531
Uniscape, 568
Universal Plug and Play, 554, 557
University of Amsterdam, 4
University of Cambridge, 395
University of Exeter, 513
University of Helsinki, 528
University of Liverpool, 210
University of Pisa, 200
University of Southern California, 495
University of Stuttgart, 70
Unix-vs-NT, 75
UPnP, see Universal Plug and Play
UPS, 11, 397
US Senate, 394
USA Today, 182

VBScript, 350
Verifone, xxv, 501
Verilog, 542
VeriSign, 397, 501
VHDL, 542
Vicinity, 218
Victoria's Secret, 150
Video Over IP, 279
Vienna Systems, 277
Virtual Private Networks, 9
Virtual Reality Online Shopping, 284
Virtual Vault, xxv, 80, 412
ViruSafe Virus Center, 386
Visa, 486, 490, 491
VisaCash, 511
VisiBroker, 328
Visual C++, 450
Visual Café, 248, 434
VisualAge, 434
VisualBasic Script, 350
Vitria, 111
VocalTec, 275, 277
VPN, see Virtual Private Networks
VRML, 139, 468
VRML Consortium, 477
vSuite, 501

WABI, 529
WAI, see Web Accessibility Initiative
Wall, Larry, 321, 526
WAN, see Wide Area Network
Wav, 98
Web Accessibility Initiative, 140, 315
Web.de, 216
Web3D Consortium, 477
WebGrrls, 152
WebLogic Enterprise, 325
WebObjects, 177, 329
WebPosition, 204
WebQoS, 233, 413
Websidestory, 295, 296
WebSphere Application Server, 330
WebTV, 97
WebZip, 306
WhatIs.com, 214
White Pine, 280
WhoWhere.com, 218
Wide Area Network, 559
Wimbledon, 394
Windows NT, 74, 75, 77, 233, 450, 556
Wintel, 32, 540, 546
WinZip, 371
WireCard, 492
Wired, 149
Wirtschaftswoche, 128
Word.com, 95
WordPerfect, 529, 539
World Wide Web Consortium, 67, 161, 300, 303, 313, 336, 340, 341, 344, 377
World Wide Worm, 196
WorldAvenue, 21

X Consortium, The, 533
X11, 533
X3D, 477
Xcert, 397
xDSL, 64
Xerox, 561
XML, 449
XML.org, 344
XML/EDI, 338
Xoom, 217
XSL, 333, 334, 339

Yahoo, 11, 36, 121, 130, 205, 206, 216, 218, 220, 221, 242, 375, 495, 529
Yahoo Store, 242

Zürcher Kantonal Bank, 427
Zope, 330, 537, 538