.NET, 737 1-For-1, 209 123gambling.com, 34 123get.com, 247 3Dlabs, 617 3W Art, 642 4B, 641
ABCNews, 264 about.com, 513 Accenture, 58 AccessData, 493 ACE, 144 ACMEcity, 157 ACT, 348 Active Server Pages, 441 Active Software, 134 ActiveWorks, 134 Activeworlds.com, 388, 608 ActiveX, 446 Adaptive Content Exchange, 144 Address Verification Service, 629 Adleman, Leonard, 488 Adobe, 116, 333, 431, 615 Adobe Acrobat, 465, 591 Agfa, 302 AICC, 404 AIFF, 118 AIM, AOL Instant Messenger, 678 AirLancer, 4 AIT GmbH, 760 Akamai, 139 Aldus, 811 Alfa Romeo, 307 Allaire, 221, 289, 445 Allied Business Intelligence, 718 AlphaWorks, 568, 582 AltaVista, 317 Altavista, 151, 249, 251, 262 Altavista Technologies, 151 Altura, 564 Amaya, 421 Amazon, 395 Amazon.com, 14, 18, 25, 31, 150, 190, 198, 220, 264, 276, 277, 295, 299, 388, 608, 698, 735 Amazon.de, 150, 198 AmericanAirlines, 38 Amiga, 90, 385, 417, 423 Aminet, 247 Andreesen, Marc, 412 Anonymizer, 200, 500 Anonymous Remailer, 500 ANSI, 61, 108 Anthrotech, 209 AntiOnline, 519 Antonacopoulos, Apostolos, 256 AOL, 262 AOL Instant Messenger, 383, 678 Apache, 95, 112, 411, 589, 669, 670, 672 APNic, 202 Apple, 4, 10, 221, 303, 417, 428, 449, 465, 545, 591, 691 Apple AirPort, 4 Application Server Zone, 444 Applix, 349 Arachne, 422 Archie, 3, 247 Arianna, 245 Ariba, 322, 464, 571, 730, 735 Arktis, 639 Arlt, 642 ARPANet, 7, 81 Artomatic.com, 593 ASP, 441 Asychronous Transfer Mode, 88 AT&T, 611 AT&T Bell Labs, 575 Atari 800, 90
Atari ST, 90 ATI, 617 ATM, Asychronous Transfer Mode, 88 ATM Forum, 89 ATM Networks, 375 Auction Watchers, 261 Auctioneer 4, 315 Audible.com, 387 AutoByTel, 22 Autonomy, 251 Autonomy Systems Ltd., 271 Avaya, 352 Avenida Web Server, 444 AWT, 552 Axent Technologies, 508
B2B, Business-To-Business, 10 B2P, 397 Baan, 127, 137, 463 Babelfish, 198 Babylonia, 506 Bain & Company, 346 Baltimore Technologies, 162, 521 Bank of America, 636 Bank One, 636 Banner-Mania, 209 BAPI, 463 Bare Bones Software, 247 Bargain Finders, 261 Barnes & Noble, 18, 150, 295 Basic, 583 BBC, 189 BEA Systems, 445 BEA WebLogic, 565 Beans Industry, 289 BeansExtender, 564 Beatnik, 119 BellSouth, 750 BelSign, 521 Benetton, 33 BeOS, 93, 545 Berners-Lee, Tim, 412, 429 Bertelsmann, 394 Beyond.com, 388, 608 Biel Mean Time, 6 Big Brother, 157 Big Brother Inside, 167 Bild, 507 Bills.com, 642 Billserv.com, 642 Biometric Identification, 525 BitNet, 3 BizTalk, 464 Blind Signature, 650 BlueGill Technologies, 644 Bluestone, 565 Bluetooth, 717 Bluetooth, Harold, 717 BMG, 394 BMW, 759, 763 Bobby, 179 Bobo, 686 Boeing, 464 Bohr, Niels, 671 Boot Sector Virus, 503 Borg, xxxii, 722 Bowie, David, 119 Boxlot, 315 BPR, Business Process Reengineering, 61 Brandt, Ulrike, 166 Brazil, 733 Brio Technology, 269 Bristol Technology, 583 British Airways, 756 Broadcaster, 245 BroadVision, 16, 143, 221, 270, 290, 332, 362 BroadVision InfoExchange, 362 Brokat, 162 BrowserWatch, 410 BTG, 527 Bubbleboy, 506 Buecher.de, 204 Bugtraq, 227 Business Process Reengineering, 61 Business-To-Business, 10 Business-to-Peer, 397 BusinessWare, 131 Buy.com, 280
C, 107 C++, 107, 289, 442, 443, 575, 583 C2Net, 162, 688 C#, 744 Ca5ino, 202 Cabela's, 630 CacheFlow, 144 CAD, 306 CAF\'E, 658 Caldera, 676, 688, 689 Call Center, 5, 16, 20, 127, 128, 380, 381 Canon, 23, 720 Capital Radio, 751 Cappuccino, 289 Captura, 727 Cardware, 667 Cascading Style Sheets, 117, 435, 453, 454 CasinoPlace, 34, 202, 410 Casio, 467 CatalogCity.com, 564 CDE, 680 CDNow, 266 CeBit, 384 CERN, 429 CertCo, 661 Certification Authority, 542 CGI, Common Gateway Interface, 438 Chai, 576, 710 ChaiServer, 710, 711 ChaiVM, 711 Champy, James, 62 Channelware, 305 Charles Schwab, 564 CheckFree, 291, 644 CheckPoint, 100 Chernobyl, 506 Christian Banner Exchange, 209 Christie's, 311 Chrystal Software, 332 Chui, Kevin, 312 CIF, 382 Cihost.com, 823 Cincom, 308 Cisco, 143, 713, 716 Clarify, 349 Clarke, Ian, 520 ClearCommerce, 287, 629 Cli-Mate, 425 ClickThrough, 210 CNet, 333 CNN, 189, 210 Cogito, 363 Coign, 722 Colada, 614 Cold Fusion, 221, 289, 445, 685 Collosum, 486 COM, 437, 443, 446, 448, 450 Comdex, 384 Come.to, 203 Commerce Direct International, 303 Commerce for the Millenium, 294 Commerce One, 323, 730 Commerce.Net, 463 CommerceNet Consortium, 498 Commodore 64, 90 Common Gateway Interface, 438, 439 Common Hardware Reference Platform, 691 Common Interchange Format, 382 Compaq, 151, 298, 399, 730 Complain.com, 172 Complaintous.com, 172
Components.com, 565 CompuServe, 112, 156, 262, 588 Computer Associates, 99, 106 comScore, 59 Conference, 376 Connectix, 382 Consilient, 398 ConSors, 264 Constellar, 133 Content Management Systems, 327 Continuum, 722 CoolFM, 751 CoolSavings.com, 59 Copernic 99, 497 CORBA, 99, 437, 443, 445--450, 582, 716, 722, 725 Corel, 117, 303, 614, 676, 688 Corel Draw, 676 CosmoPlayer, 466, 591 Cox, Alan, 671 CPFR, 25 Crack, 514 Crawler, 241 CRM, 344 Cryp.to, 203 Cryptanalysis, 485 Cryptology, 485 Crystal Space, 673 CSS, Cascading Style Sheets, 435 CU-SeeMe, 383 Customer Relationship Management, 344 Cyber Terrorism, 516 Cyber-Terrorists, 516, 518 CyberAtlas, 12 CyberCash, 291, 635 CyberCoins, 651 CyberSource, 287 Cygnus Software, 687
Da Vinci, Leonardo, 671 Data Warehousing, 119 Database Management System, 105 Datafellows Company, 511 DB/2, 106 DBMS, Database Management System, 105 DCT, 612 DealPilot, 261, 757 DealTime, 259 Deja, 248 DejaNews, 214, 390 Dell, 20, 53, 306 Deloitte & Touche, 58 Delphi Group, 359 Demilitarized Zone, 529 Deneba, 614 Denial of Service, 243, 478, 483, 622 Deutsch, Waverly, 56 Deutsche Bahn, 171 Deutsche Bank, 649 Deutsche Bundespost, 642 Deutsche Post, 629 Deutsche Provider Network, 380, 385 Developmentor, 730 DHBrown Associates, 91 DHCP, 94 DHL, 76 DHTML, 117, 437 Diamond Multimedia, 301 Diffie, Whitfield, 488 DigDirt, 249 DigiCash, 649 Digital Certificate, 102, 163, 215, 278, 304, 440, 475, 484, 492, 520, 521, 525, 527, 542, 625, 632, 641, 643, 660, 662, 688, 755, 825 Digital Corporation, 151 Digital Creations, 686 Digital Delivery, 306 Digital Imaging Group, 302, 598 Digital Island, 139 Digital Neighborhoods, 263 Digital River, 306 Digital Signal Processor, 378 Digital Signatures, 163 Direct Cosine Transformation, 612 Director, 117, 459 Directories, 241 Discolandia, 10 Discos Castello, 641 Disney, 196 Distance Learning, 5 Divx, 303 DLR, 270 DMZ, Demilitarized Zone, 529 DNS, 84, 85, 94, 480, 484, 688 Documentum, 116 DOM, 436, 453 Doom, 673 DoS, Denial of Service, 478 DPunkt, 655 Dr. Solomons, 511 DreamWeaver, 115 DSP, Digital Signal Processor, 378 DSSSL, 454
Dun & Bradstreet, 46 Dvix, 158 Dynabase, 334 Dynamic HTML, 117
E*Trade, 109 E-Auctioning, 29 E-Banking, 29 E-Brokering, 37 E-Cash Shops, 650 E-Commerce, 31 E-Directories, 32 E-Engineering, 32 E-Franchising, 33 E-Gambling, 33 E-Lancers, 747 E-Learning, 34 E-Marketing, 35 E-Operational Resources Management, 35 E-Research, 36 E-Services, xxxi, 264, 289, 549, 734, 759 E-Smarts, 261 E-Speak, 719, 723, 724 E-Supply, 37 E-Trading, 37 E-Travel, 37 EAI, 132 eBay, 14, 29, 181, 313, 395, 696, 760, 844 EBNF, 452 eBusiness Technologies, 333 ECheck, 638 eCircle, 390 Eclipse, 332 ECMA, 436, 467, 838 ECMAScript, 471 Economist, The, 197, 297 EDI, Electronic Data Interchange, 8 Edify, 221, 381, 644 EDT, Electronic Disturbance Theatre, 518 EFF, Electronic Frontier Foundation, 498 eGrail, 335 Einstein, Albert, 671 EIS, Enterprise Information System, 124 EJB, Enterprise Java Beans, 448, 562 Electrical Fire, 546 Electronic Data Interchange, 8, 124, 636 Electronic Disturbance Theatre, 518 Electronic Frontier Foundation, 487, 498 Electronic Service Broker, 727 Electronic Software Distribution, 300 Elm, 95 ElMedia, 293 Elsa, 4 Email Agents, 258 Emailing, 34 eMarketer, 628 Embedded Devices, 548, 577, 710 Emoticons, 229 Emporium, 290 enCommerce, 270 Encyclopaedia Britannica, 207 eNetwork Firewall, 101 Enigma, 485 Enterprise Application Integration, 132 Enterprise Application Server, 446 Enterprise Information System, 124
Enterprise JavaBeans, 562 Enterprise Resource Planning, 123, 463 Epicor, 350 Epson, 23 EPSS, 404 Ericsson, 717 Ernst & Young, 58 Erock.net, 315 ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning, 123 ESD, Electronic Software Distribution, 300 Eternity Service, 519 Eudora, 95 Euros, 22 EuroSearch, 252 EuroSeek, 181 eXcelon, 446 Excite, 96, 262, 264, 637 Executable Virus, 503 Exhibit Gallery, 24 Exodus, 608 Expedia, 38 Explore Zip, 506 Extended Backus Naur Form, 452 Extranet, 482 Extricity, 131 Eyematic, 617
F1-CPU, 692 F5 Networks, 145 False Authority Syndrome, 501 Fanning, Shawn, 391 FAQ, 182, 372, 823 Fat Face, 597 FBI, 519 FDDI, 83 Federal Express, 76 Ferrari, 240, 759 Fidonet, 3 Fight Back, 172 Fiji-Online, 262 Filez.com, 247 Finger, 497 Firefly, 220 Firepond, 309 FireScreen, 726 Firewall 1, 100 FirmWorks, 684 First Union Bank, 656 First Virtual, 291, 635 Flaming Ford, 167 Flash, 118 FlashPix, 178, 594 Florists Transworld Delivery, 264, 641 FlowMart, 136 Flug.de, 51 FlyCast, 210 Food & Drug Administration, 171 Food.com, 53 Ford, 167 Forrester, 311 Forrester Research, 56, 301 FoundationTools, 582 FoundationWare, 582 Four11, 248 France98.com, 284 Free PC, 298 Free Software Foundation, 668, 670 Free World Dialup, 380 FreeBSD, 90, 93, 100, 680 FreeMarkets, 397 FreeNet, 520 FreeStone, 100 Freeware, 667 Fremont, 724 Friedman Corporation, 309 FSF, Free Software Foundation, 668 FTP, 83 FusionOne, 702
G-Shock, 467 Gallery-Net, 118, 266, 387, 410, 597 Gauss Interprise AG, 272 Gedys, 309 GeldKarte, 653 GemPlus, 21, 524 GemStone, 108 Genesis 3D, 673 GeoCities, 269 getAccess, 270 Gibson, William, 778 Giftware, 667 Global Trust Enterprise, 661 GlobalFoodExchange.com, 657 GLOBEtrotter, 306 GMX, 263 Gnutella, 371 Go Network, 265 Go.to, 203 GOD, 262 GoldMine, 351 Gopher, 3 grapeVine, 364 Gravis, 267 GroupLens, 221 GSM, xxxvii GTE, 492 Guinness Book of World Records, 284 Gupta, Vivek R., 119
H.323 Standard, 378 Hackers, 622 Hammer, Michael, 62 Hardware Abstraction Layer, 691 Hardware.de, 158 Harley Davidson, 239 Hasbro, 152 Hayek, Nicolas, 6 HBCI, 648 Heise, 409 Heise.de, 410 Hellman, Martin, 488 Helsinki Telephone, 727 Hewlett-Packard, xxxi, 8, 22, 95, 128, 136, 154, 159, 169, 264, 284, 288, 298, 302, 306, 385, 399, 428, 431, 463, 539, 541, 545, 570, 576, 577, 582, 597, 602, 643, 688, 696, 699, 709, 710, 719, 723, 730, 734, 744, 745, 753 Hewlett-Packard Press, 147 Hill, Charles, 196 Hitachi, 280 HitBox, 409 Homeauctioneer.com, 316 Honey Pot, 531, 532 HotBot, 155 HotDog, 114 HotJava, 422 Hotline, 393 HotSpot, 569 HotWired, 431 HP, 399 HP Process Manager, 136 HP-UX, 92, 93, 284, 415, 539, 546, 571, 582, 681 HTML, 117, 429, 455 HTTP, 83 HTTP2, 239 Hummingbird, 365 Hyperarchical Company, 57 Hyperarchical System, 63 HyperText Markup Language, 429 Hyperwave, 270 HypoVereinsbank, 661
i-Cat, 291 I.am, 203 I/Pro, 214 IBM, xxxi, xxxvi, 8, 10, 99, 101, 106, 131, 136, 291, 298, 302, 367, 385, 431, 442, 449, 463, 464, 511, 545, 564, 565, 568, 571, 575, 582, 583, 643, 679, 691, 699, 717, 720, 730, 741 IBM Micro Payment, 651 iBrowse, 423 iCab, 423 ICE, 333 ICQ, 383, 497, 678 IDL, 437 IESG, 82 IETF, 82 iForce, 41 IGMP, Internet Group Management Protocol, 83 IIOP, 568 IIP, Internet Imaging Protocol, 595 ILOVEYOU, 507 IMaestro, 397 Image Server, 598 IndiaConnect, 209 Individual.com, 60 IndustryNet, 53 Inferno, 549, 710, 712, 721 InfernoSpaces, 721 Infobank, 324 InfoBus, 568, 723 InfoNout, 425 Infopark, 116, 271, 337 Information Policy, 476 Informix Software, 106 Infoseek, 247, 251 Infospace, 248 InfoSplit, 200 Infotel.bg, 513 Inktomi, 144 Inprise, 447 Instant Messaging, 678 Integrated Transaction Service, 447 Intel, 38, 166, 393, 399, 576, 713, 717 Intelligent Agents, 108 Inter800.com, 381 Interbase, 106 InterMail, 95 International Herald Tribune, 49 International Telecommunications Union, 89, 378 Internet 2, 6, 88, 754 Internet Business Magazine, 641 Internet Explorer, 415 Internet Factory, 292 Internet Group Management\\ Protocol, 83 Internet Imaging Protocol, 595 Internet Phone, 378 Internet Protocol Suite, 81, 82 Internet Society, 82 Internet Solutions, 821 Internet Sync, 702 Internet Telephony, 375 Internet Telephony Service Providers, 380 Internet University, 405
Internet.com, 12 InterNic, 202 Intershop, 271, 287, 292 InterTrust, 306 Interwoven, 143 InTrade, 324 IONA, 730 Iona Technologies, 270 IP Spoofing, 479 iPlanet, 271 IPS, Internet Protocol Suite, 82 IPsec, 101 IPv4, 86 IPv6, 376 IRC, 3, 383, 678 ircII, 384 Ircle, 384 Ireland Online, 262 ISO, 838 ISO 10646, 434 ISOC, Internet Society, 82 ITS, Integrated Transaction Service, 447 ITSP, Internet Telephony Service Providers, 380 ITU, International Telecommunications Union, 378 ITXC, 380
J Consortium, 577 J2EE, 561 Jabber, 678 Jaguar CTS, 446 Jango, 259, 261 Japhar, 546 JASC, 116 Java, 107, 289, 439, 442, 443, 464, 583, 710, 712 Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition, 561 Java Environment Tuning Center, 571 Java Transaction Service, 447 JavaBeans, 446 JavaScript, 117, 439, 467, 471, 625 JavaServer Pages, 442
JDBC, 564 JetSend, 719 Jikes, 546, 679 Jini, xxxiii, 556, 699, 710, 714, 719, 724, 733 JIT, 64 JITTA, 36 JPEG, 118, 158 JPEG 2000, 612 JScript, 470, 471 JSP, JavaServer Pages, 442 JTS, Java Transaction Service, 447 Junker, 310 Jupiter Communications, 184 Just-in-Time, 64 Jxta, 393
Kaffe, 546 KDE, 472, 680 Kellogg's, 197 Kessler-Design, 668 Kildall, Gary, 777 Kimble.org, 113 KLM, 49 KnowledgeX, 367 Knuth, Donald E., 677 Kodak, 302 Koenig, Thomas, 166 KPMG, 58 Kumite.com, 512
LAN, Local Area Network, 720 LaTeX, 91, 678 LaTeX 3, 678 LDAP, 582 Lenin, 608 Lerdorf, Rasmus, 441 Levi Strauss, 48, 207 Lewinsky, Monica, 40 Libri, 52 LIDS, 533 Limbo, 712 Linux, 90, 93, 112, 284, 417, 589, 669, 670, 672, 675, 680, 689, 691, 695, 712 Liquid Audio, 302 Liquidnet, 398 Live Picture, 598 LiveAssistance, 129 LiveCommerce, 293 LiveScript, 549 Living Systems, 760 Local Area Network, 720 Lotus, 447, 568, 730 Lotus Domino Application Server, 447 Lotus eSuite, 568 Lotus Notes, 95 Lucent, 143 Lucent Technologies, 699, 710, 712, 744, 750 Lufthansa, 38, 202, 756 Lufthansa Cargo, 155, 284, 636 Lycos, 247 Lynx, 418
Mac OS X, 4, 90, 93 MacNews, 199 MacOS, 415, 545 Macro virus, 503 MacroMedia, 117, 459, 467 Macromedia, 143 Mailware, 667 Maintenance, Repair and Operating, 35 Mark Twain Bank, 649 Market Makers, 316 Market Site, 322 Masquerading, 479 MasterCard, 632, 633 MasterMerchant, 643 MatchLogic, 214 Material Requirement Planning, 123 MausNet, 3 McAfee Associates, 303, 511 McDonalds, 33 MCIS, 95 MediaTechBooks, xxxvi, 19, 410 Medosch, Armin, 409 MegaCar, 88, 751 Megazine, 10 Melissa, 506 Mellon Technologies, 608 Merced, 692 META Group, 311 Meta Search Engines, 241 MetaCreations, 117 MetaProducts, 425 MFC, Microsoft Foundation Classes, 583 Michelangelo, 501 MICOM, 380 Microsoft, 38, 95, 106, 143, 167, 292, 333, 377, 410, 441, 464, 471, 507, 508, 579, 615, 670, 699, 709, 710, 713, 722, 730, 737, 745 Microsoft Exchange, 95 Microsoft Foundation Classes, 583 MIDI, 118 Millennium, 722 MilliCent, 652 Mind-It, 174 Minivend, 469 Minix, 675 Minolta, 720 mIRC, 384, 668 MIT, 488 MKLinux, 545 Moai Technologies, 315 MOE, MyOwnEmail, 269 Mojo Nation, 394 Mondex, 653 Monkey, 645 Monkey Moneybox, 645 Monkeybank.com, 645 Mortice Kern Systems, 143 Motorola, 465 Mozilla, 112, 227, 493, 589, 679, 682 MP3, 27, 118, 119, 158, 247, 301, 302, 751 Mp3.com, 301 MPEG, 466, 599 MQ Series, 131 MQIntegrator, 134 MRO, Maintenance, Repair and Operating, 35
MRP, Material Requirement Planning, 123 MSN, 738 MTV, 13, 151 MultiSubmit, 205 Mundie, Craig, 670 MWG Biotech, 22 My-World, 25 MyOwnEmail, 96, 269 MySimon, 261 Myth.com, 593
NAP, Network Access Points, 234 Napster, 371, 391 NASA, 461, 601 NAT, Network Address Translation, 86 NCompass, 340 NEON, 134 Net Market Makers, 397 Net Robots, 241 Net.Commerce, 291 Net.Data, 442 Net2Phone, 380 NetBanx, 641 NetBSD, 90, 680 NetCash, 650 NetCenter, 267 NetCheque, 637 NetCraft, 242, 670 NetGeo, 200 Netgraphica, 597 Netiquette, 226, 385 Netizens, 207 NetMeeting, 377 NetMerchants, 315 NetObjects Fusion, 114, 825 NetPerceptions, 221 Netscape, 95, 187, 263, 376, 412, 431, 467, 471, 549, 689 Netscape Application Server, 448, 685 Netscape CommerceXpert, 324 Netscape Messenger, 95 NetSell, 293 Network Access Points, 234 Network Address Translation, 86 Network Agents, 257 Network University, 5 Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 681 New Economy, xxxi, 26, 28, 39, 40, 53, 54, 56, 107, 217, 295, 299, 300, 389, 390, 763 NewHoo, 676 NewMonics, 577 News Agents, 258 News.com, 187 Nn, 3 Nokia, 184, 298, 697, 717 Nokian, 718 Northern Telecom, 749 Norton Antivirus, 511 Novell, 95, 464 NPS, 116, 337 NUMA, 92, 692 Nymserver, 501 NZZ, 681
O'Reilly and Associates, 696 Oasis, 463, 464 OBI, 324, 660 Object Design, 446 Object Management Group, 578 Object Request Broker, 449 Objectivity, 108 ODBC, 446 Odwalla, 170 Offline Browsers, 424 Ohaha, 683 OIF, 137 Oki Electric, 750 OLAP, Online Analytical Processing, 108 Olympics, 200 Omega Project, 678 OMG, 578 Online Analytical Processing, 108 Onyx Software, 351 Open Applications Group, 457 Open Buying over the Internet, 324 Open Design Circuits, 692 Open Directory, 676, 824 Open Hardware, 690, 694, 695 Open Hardware Certification Program, 694 Open Hardware Specification Project, 695 Open Integration Framework, 137 Open Market, 291, 293 Open Service, 735 Open Source, xxxv, 429, 668, 672, 690 Open Trading Protocol, 659 OpenIngres, 106 OpenMail, 95 OpenMail Anywhere, 96 OpenPGP, 684 OpenPix ImageIgniter, 184, 597 OpenSite Technologies, 316 OpenSkies, 735 OpenSSL, 685 OpenView, 98, 541 Opera Software, 416 Operational Resources Management, 36 Oracle, 93, 106, 127, 137, 322, 463, 464 Oracle Server, 106, 571 ORB, Object Request Broker, 449, 582 Orbos.de, 301 Orchestream, 143 Organic Online, 688 ORM, Operational Resources Management, 36 Orwell, George, 753 OS/390, 583
P2P, 371 P3P, Platform for Privacy Preference Project, 499 Packexpo.com, 657 Paint Shop Pro, 116 Palm V, 280 Panasonic, 720 Panavision, 152 Pandesic, 289 Paperball, 258 Paperboy, 258 Pascal, 107, 583 Passive Optical Network, 750 PathFinder, 431 Pathfinder Mission, 601 PayNow, 638 PayWorks, 643 PC Order, 310 Peacock, 385 Peer-to-Peer, 371 PeopleSoft, 127, 137, 322, 463 Peoplesoft, 355 Peppers, Don, 217 Percussion Software, 332 Perl, 289, 439, 442, 670, 671, 824 Persistence, 145 Personal Java, 712 Pervasive Computing, 697, 826 PGML, 615 PGP, Pretty Good Privacy, 161 Phase 5, 267 Philips, 240, 713 PHP, 441 Picasso, Pablo, 297 PICS, 416, 499 Pine, 95 PKI, Public Key Infrastructure, 163 Planware, 310 Platform for Privacy Preference Project, 499 Platinum, 466, 591 Plug-ins, 589 Plum Hall, 577 Plumtree Software, 271 PNG, Portable Network Graphics, 588 PON, Passive Optical Network, 750 Portable Network Graphics, 588 Portal, 260 PowerDisc, 597 PowerDynamo, 446 PowerPC, 691 PowerPics, 597 PPP, 94 Praesidium Firewall, 100 Prentice Hall, 147 Pretty Good Privacy, 161, 483, 489, 493 PricewaterhouseCoopers, 58 Primus, 308 Principia, 686 Project Gutenberg, 674 Psion, 184 Public Domain, 667 Public Key Infrastructure, 163 Pulver, Jeff, 380 PurchasePro.com, 60 PureTec, 644, 822 Pyramid Scheme, 190 Python, 439, 440
QoS, Quality of Service, 375 Quake, 673 Quality of Service, 282, 375 Quantum, 716 Quelle, 10, 33, 281 Quicken, 31 QuickMarket, 760 Quicknet Technologies, 378 QuickTime, 303, 465, 591, 599 QXL, 29
Radio Deejay, 460, 751 Raymond, Eric, 673 RDF, 460 Real Networks, 183, 303, 591 Real-Time Applications, 374 Real-Time Java Working Group, 577 RealNames, 204 RealPlayer, 119, 189, 303, 591 Reciprocal, 306 Red Hat, 676, 687 RedDot, 341 Reebok, 602 Refer-it.com, 190 Referate Online, 642 Release Software, 306 Remedy, 129, 352 Remote Procedure Calls, 132 Reorganization, 63 Resource Reservation Protocol, 377 Return on Investment, 57 Reuters, 431 REXX, 442 RFC, 82, 669 Rhythmyx, 332 Ricardo, 29 RichWin, 196 Rio Player, 27 Ripe.net, 202, 821 Rivest, Ron, 488 Rogers, Martha, 217 ROI, 14, 57 Rolls Royce, 759 Romanov, Nicolaj, 598 Rosenberger, Rob, 501 RosettaNet, 463 ROT13, 160, 493 Roxen, 95, 342 RPC, 132 RSA, 488, 495 RSVP, Resource Reservation Protocol, 376 RTJWG, 577 RTL News, 189 Rumbo.com, 38 Ryder System, 60
S/MIME, 492 Saba Software, 404 Sales Logix, 353 SameDay, 636 San Jose Mercury News, 109 SAP, 93, 127, 133, 137, 322, 367, 463, 464, 636, 730 Sausage Software, 114 Savage Beast, 221 Scalable Vector Graphic, 615 Scalable Vector Graphics, 614 SDMI, Secure Digital Music Initiative, 302 Sease.com, 263 Secure Digital Music Initiative, 302 Security First Network Bank, 20 Security through Obscurity, 482 Seiko, 602 SEMPER, 658 Sendmail, 95 Sequoia Software, 272 Server Side Includes, 440 Service-Oriented Architecture, 741 SET, 279, 291, 632 SetCo, 632, 643 SETI at home, 399 SGI, 695 Shamir, Adi, 488 Shared Source, 670 Shareware, 304, 668 Shareware.com, 247 Shiftkey Software, 334 Shirky, Clay, 391 Shockwave, 467 Shop.org, xxxvii ShopNow.com, 280 Shopper.com, 261 Shopping Agents, 259 Shout Interactive, 617 Siebel, 353 Siemens, 462, 606, 720 Signaturgesetz, 165 SignPost, 205 Silicon Graphics, 399 SilverStream, 448, 685 Simon Wiesenthal Center, 150 Simple Networking Management Protocol, 99 Simple Object Access Protocol, 730 SiteStation, 343 Sixt, 314 Skoda, 608 Smart Card, 479 Smart Cards, 21, 215, 278, 292, 483, 522, 523, 525, 626, 633, 644, 652--655 Smart Contact, 128 SmartBots.com, 260 SMIL, 459 Smilies Unlimited, 229 SMP, 92, Symmetric Multiprocessing, 93 SMTP, 83 Snap, 214 Sniffer, 492 SNMP, Simple Networking Management Protocol, 99 SOA, 741 SOAP, 730, 743
Social Engineering, 481 Software.com, 95 Softwinter, 162 Solaris, 93, 415, 583 Solstice AdminSuite, 541 Sony, 609, 617 Sotheby's, 311 Sound Software, 118 SourceXChange, 696 Sovereign Hill, 368 Spidersoft, 425 Spiegel, Der, 154, 172, 410 Spiegel, der, 506 Spitzner, Lance, 532 SQL Server, 106 SSI, Server Side Includes, 440 SSL, 279, 291, 521, 632 St. George Bank, 649 Stallman, Richard, 668 Stanford University, 488 Star Office, 130, 676, 702 Star Trek, xxxii, 157, 699, 715, 722 Star Wars, 302, 466 Starr Report, 40 STC, 134 Stoll, Clifford, 532 Stroustrop, Bjarne, 575 Submit-It, 250 Sun, 169, 333, 393, 422, 431, 464, 467, 541, 545, 556, 568--571, 579, 583, 695, 699, 710--712, 714, 720, 723, 724, 733, 745 Sun SIMS, 95 Sunstone Hotels, 60 Supernews, 390 Suse, 676 SVG, 614, 615 Swatch, 6 Swatch Beat, 6 Swatch Group, The, 6 SWIFT-Network, 619 Swiss Air, 171 Sybase, 106, 446 Sybase SQL Server, 106 Symantec, 300, 565, 570 Symmetric Multiprocessing, 93
T Spaces, xxxi, 720 T-Online, 262 Talk, 3 Taxware, 287 Team 17, 244 TeleAuskunft, 248 Telepolis, 409 TeX, 677 Text-Projects, 822 Thawte, 521 The Gimp, 116 The Informant, 174 The List, 232 The Palace, 605 Thunderbyte, 511 Ticketmaster, 154 TISS, 51 Titanic, 172, 641 Tivoli, 99 Top Layer Networks, 145 Top Reseller, 190 TopTier Software, 272 Torvalds, Linus, 671, 672, 675 Toshiba, 717 Trans-O-Flex, 21 Transcoder, 704 Transcoding, 704 TransNexus, 380 Travel Overland, 51, 642, 648 Travelocity.com, 38 Trend Micro, 507 Tributary, 583 Tridion, 332 Trilogy, 310 TrueSpectra, 597 TrustCenter, 492, 521 TRUSTe, 498 Trusted Computer System, 539 Trusted Operating System, 537 Trusted Solaris, 541 Tucows, 243, 256, 263 Tupperware, 18 TurboJ, 569
U.S. Senate, 519 UDDI, 731, 743 UDDI.org, 731 UDP, 83 Ultracrepidarian, 501 UMEC, 713 UML, 705 Unicenter TNG, 99 Unicode, 678 Uniscape, 727 Universal Plug and Play, 710, 713 University of Amsterdam, 5 University of Cambridge, 519 University of Exeter, 656 University of Helsinki, 675 University of Liverpool, 256 University of Pisa, 245 University of Southern California, 637 University of Stuttgart, 86 UNIX-vs-NT, 91 UPnP, Universal Plug and Play, 713 Uprizer, 520 UPS, 12, 522 USA Today, 226 UserLand, 730
Vantive, 355 VBScript, VisualBasic Script, 469 Verifone, 643 Verilog, 690 VeriSign, 521, 643 VHDL, 690 Viador, 272 Vicinity, 264 Victoria's Secret, 188 Video Over IP, 382 Vienna Systems, 380 Vignette, 143, 333, 334 Virtual Private Networks, 10 Virtual Reality Online Shopping, 388 Virtual Vault, 96, 539 ViruSafe Virus Center, 511 Visa, 629, 632, 633 VisaCash, 654 VisiBroker, 447 Visual C++, 583 Visual Cafè, 300, 565 VisualAge, 565 VisualBasic Script, 469 Vitria, 131, 136 Vitro Corp, 59 VML, 615 VocalTec, 378, 380 VPN, Virtual Private Networks, 10 VRML, 178, 603 VRML Consortium, 616 vSuite, 643
W3C, 333, 614 WABI, 676 WAI, Web Accessibility Initiative, 179 Wall, Larry, 440, 672 WAN, Wide Area Network, 716 Wav, 118 Web Accessibility Initiative, 179, 433 Web Services, 741 Web Services Description Language, 731 Web.de, 262 Web3D Consortium, 616 WebGrrls, 191 WebLogic Enterprise, 445 WebObjects, 221, 449 WebPosition, 249 WebQoS, 143, 284, 541 Websidestory, 409, 410 WebSphere Application Server, 449 WEBtropolis AUCTIONnet, 317 WebTV, 118 WebVision, 317 WebZip, 425 WhatIs.com, 260 whatis.com, 190 White Pine, 383 WhoWhere.com, 264 Wide Area Network, 716 Wimbledon, 518 Wincite, 368 Windows NT, 90, 93, 284, 582, 712 Windows.NET, 740 WindowsMedia.com, 415 Wintel, 38, 688, 695 WinZip, 493 WireCard, 634 Wired, 187 Wireless LAN, 3 Wirtschaftswoche, 166 WLAN, 3 Word.com, 115 WordPerfect, 676, 688 World Wide Web Consortium, 82, 205, 417, 421, 431, 455, 459, 461, 463, 499 World Wide Worm, 241 WorldAvenue, 25 Worlds Chat, 605 WorldStreet, 398 WSDL, 731, 743
X Consortium, The, 680 X11, 680 X3D, 616 Xara, 614 Xcert, 521 xDSL, 79 Xerox, 720 XMI, 705 XML, 332, 450, 582, 644, 743 XML.org, 464 XML/EDI, 457 Xoom, 263 XSL, 332, 453, 454, 458
Yahoo, 844 Yahoo!, 14, 46, 158, 168, 250, 251, 262, 264, 266, 267, 294, 496, 637, 676 » Store, 294
Zürcher Kantonal Bank, 555 Zope, 450, 685, 687 Zwick, Rami, 312